ОАО «ГЗ «Коммунальник» известен как крупнейший производитель широкого ассортимента оборудования и комплексных решений для жилищно-коммунального хозяйства республики.
Многолетний опыт, квалифицированный персонал, современные технологии производства и управления, непрерывный контроль производственного процесса, система контроля качества в соответствии с требованиями СТБ ИСО 9001-2015 позволяют ОАО «ГЗ «Коммунальник» выпускать широкий ассортимент продукции.
Общество изготавливает котлы водогрейные, работающие на разных видах топлива (дрова, щепа, пеллеты, древесные отходы, газ и жидкое топливо) мощностью от 0,05 до 4,4 МВт; производит котельное оборудование: дымососы, циклоны, вентиляторы, дымовые трубы, грязевики, горелки газовые и жидкотопливные, здания блочно-модульные и др.
Предприятие предлагает весь комплекс услуг: от создания проекта до сдачи котельной «под ключ». Котельные могут быть блочно-модульные, транспортабельные или передвижные.
Одним из направлений деятельности является изготовление противопожарного оборудования (гидранты пожарные, фланцы, подставки пожарные, колонки пожарные), оборудование для систем тепло- и водоснабжения (колонка водоразборная, регулятор расхода/давления воды), комплексы блочно-модульные очистки питьевой воды «ГЗК-Ручей».
Продукция производства ОАО «ГЗ «Коммунальник» успешно эксплуатируется как в Республике Беларусь, так и за ее пределами: Российская Федерация, Украина, Казахстан, Туркменистан, страны Балтии.
В своей деятельности предприятие делает ставку на построение долговременных взаимовыгодных отношений с заказчиком, предоставляя им широкий ассортимент выпускаемого оборудования, эффективные комплексные решения и новейшие технологии.
- boilers working on local fuel types with average capacity (wood chips, coal, firewood, pellets, etc.).
• boilers with capacity from 0.3 to 8 MW. Boilers with capacity of 1.0 MW are manufactured wit mechanized fuel loading (moving floor feeding system, auger feed).
• pyrolysis fuel combustion boilers with capacity from 0.09 MW to 1.2 MW. These boilers are the most effective boilers available in the market and working on local fuel types. Energy conversion efficiency of these boilers is more than 90 per cent, and the payback period is less than 3 years.
- boilers working on gas and boiler oil with capacity from 0.4 to 3.15 MW.
- boiler equipment (smoke exhausters, cyclonic separators, fans, gas flues, air ducts, smoke flues, gas burners and burners on liquid fuel, and safety panels.
• Block-module boiler rooms. It is an autonomous full factory readiness boiler room. It consists of two or more block modules combined into a single dimensional structure (building) without the internal partitions and there is necessary equipment which is completely assembled in factory conditions. Block-module boiler rooms are designed to supply heat energy, hot water or steam in the automatic mode without the constant presence of the personnel. Heating capacity of block-module unit varies from 0.1 to 16 MW.
• Transportable boiler rooms. It is modern autonomous full factory readiness boiler room. It is placed on a semitrailer (container or tractor trailer) for transporting by the towing vehicle. Transportable boiler room is completely manufactured under production conditions. Heating capacity of emergency boiler room varies from 0.1 to 2.5 MW.
• Mobile boiler rooms. It is modern autonomous full factory readiness boiler room. It is installed on one of the types of automobile landing gears. This boiler room is self-propelled which allows it to move on public roads without issuing special permissive documents. Heating capacity of mobile boiler room varies from 0.1 to 2.5 MW.
• Roof boiler rooms. They are designed for installation on the roof of buildings and structures or on the grounds specially constructed for this purpose. The use of roof boiler rooms is grounded if there is technical and economic inability (inexpediency) to use centralized heating units.
• Electrical boiler rooms. They are designed for heating supply in residential public and industrial buildings as well as providing production processes in industry, utilities and agriculture with hot water of temperature up to 95 ° C.
Any available fuel types can be used as fuel for boiler rooms, in particular:
- liquid (diesel fuel, boiler oil, crude oil, etc.);
- gaseous (natural gas);
- solid (wood chips, coal, firewood, pellets, etc.);
- electricity.
- underground fire-fighting hydrant (state standard GOST 8220-85) is designed for water extraction from underground water network in the firefighting needs;
- Doroshevskiy fire-fighting hydrant is designed for joining firefighting hoses and water extraction from water network during firefighting as well as for joining water supply systems. The hydrant is installed and used on the surface water supply networks in the shelter;
- fire-fighting turret is used to open and close the fire-fighting hydrant as well as to join firefighting hoses at water extraction from water network during firefighting;
- manufacturing of fire-fighting hydrant stands of various height and with pipe bend of various diameter and manufacturing of fire-fighting hydrant gasket;
- fire pail, fire shovel, fire-hose barrel, fire-cock, fire hook;
- fire cabinet, fire crow, fire rack of open type, etc.