Каталог участников 2019 года

Белорусский энергетический и экологический форум

14 - 17 октября 2025 года, Минск, Беларусь

каталог 2024

Euro-Box Sp. z o.o.

Ługów 36 66-200 Świebodzin, Poland

+48 68 457 4001
+48 68 457 4002



  • Описание деятельности
Euro-Box Ltd. was established in the year 1995. Its founder, owner and president is Mr. Bernard Jakubowski. Over the years of constant development our company has become an experienced producer of sheet metal products, especially metal boxes, enclosures and cabinets.

At first Euro-Box was selling locks, furniture fittings and powder paint. The next stage of development was establishing a professional production line for complex sheet metal processing, including modern powder coating line and machines mainly from Trumpf and Amada. This has allowed us to provide our customers with a complex solution, from a project to final product. We are able to convert simple drawings, sketches or even only a general idea into a professional project using Inventor 2010 Professional software. The whole process of production is managed with the help of  SAP system and organized in accordance with ISO 9001:2000 standards. This allows us to monitor the production carefully and optimize it if there is such a possibility.

Over the years our company has established many long-term relationships based on mutual trust and partnership. Currently we cooperate with numerous companies from all over Europe.

Range of our products and services includes:
- CATV boxes
- IP65 boxes
- 19” rack cabinets
- Control cabinets
- Custom boxes, cabinets and enclosures made to client’s order
- Exclusive, hand-crafted stainless steel tables
- Polishing aluminium casts for furniture industry
- Washing, relacquering and powder coating of elements for automotive industry
- 2D Laser cutting of sheet metal, pipes and sections


Телефон: + 375 17 306 06 06 

Электронная почта: energy@tc.by

Адрес офиса: г. Минск, ул. Замковая, д. 27а (вход со двора)
