Make a presentation or organize a seminar

Belarusian Energy and Ecology Forum
October 14 - 17, 2025, Minsk, Belarus

To display the conditions of participation, you need to go through a simple registration on the site as a participant (this is NOT an application for participation in the forum). A registration confirmation request will be sent to the specified e-mail address. If you have registered on the site earlier, then to display the conditions of participation, you must click the "Login" button in the upper right corner and enter the login (e-mail) and password specified during registration.

Регистрация Участника / Registration of the Exhibitor

E-mail адрес (используется в качестве логина) / E-Mail (used as Login):*
Пароль / Password:*
Подтверждение пароля / Verify Password:*
Контактное лицо, ФИО / Contact Person:*
Контактный телефон / Contact phone:*
Название компании / Company name:*
Почтовый адрес / Post Address:*

The password must contain at least 6 characters.

*Required fields.


Phone: + 375 17 306 06 06 


Office adress: Republuc of Belarus, Minsk, Zamkovaya str., 27a
